DIY home decor ideas to apply in your rooms

DIY home decor ideas to apply in your rooms

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DIY home decor ideas to apply in your rooms

It’s a particularly empowering feeling when you know that you can change the look of your living space overnight. DIY home decor ideas that involve minimal effort and expense are popular among renters and homeowners alike. Today, with ready-to-install decor elements such as peel and stick wallpaper and murals, transforming a setting has become easier than ever. All you need is a little understanding of color, texture and proportion, and you’ll be good to go!

Before we go into the DIY home decor ideas we’ve curated for you, let’s take a moment to understand what qualifies for DIY and what doesn’t. Though it’s not chalked out in black and white, what we typically refer to as do-it-yourself is a decor move that you can implement on your own, without prior experience or specialized skill in installation or maintenance. A fresh coat of paint that transforms an old piece of furniture, a removable wallpaper that livens up a dull corner, a clever reuse of an existing element - all of these qualify as DIY solutions.

Let’s explore some stylish DIY decor ideas you can implement right away for a fabulous result.

7 ways DIY home decor can transform your living space

1. Weaves, wicker and wood

Call it WWW (Waves, Wicker and Wood) if you will. This trio of calming natural materials is our go-to solution for boring nooks and corners. The perfect example of a low budget decor solution that makes your room look like a million bucks, fuss-free wooden furniture, wicker or rattan accents, and neutral toned fabrics can work wonders together. You can count on them to enrich your living space without overpowering you with color and texture. Whether you’re looking to go Boho chic or simply looking to make your reading nook a little cozier, this DIY decor idea won’t let you down. Bonus marks for adding plants and amping up the natural charm!

2. Stony splendor for your bathrooms

When it comes to stylish sophistication, no material does it better than stone. If your boring bathroom tiles are bringing you down every day, consider fixing the ambiance with a faux stone peel and stick wallpaper. You’ll get your pick of patterns ranging from sandstone to granite, each with the potential to create a unique vibe in your bathroom. When shopping for textured wallpaper that emulates a naturally occurring material, ensure that you go for a high-quality product with a matte finish. This will give a rich and realistic effect that works with premium fixtures and fittings.

3. Treat yourself to some oriental bliss

Chinoiseries - floral and botanical compositions native to the Far East - are very much in vogue at present. When looking for the perfect DIY home decor idea for a quick makeover, consider bringing these vibrant prints home. You could do this in the form of a cushion cover or throw. You could also shop for whimsical chinoiserie wallpaper for a dull corner. Or simply harness the look through Oriental prints on your planters or vases. This is an opportunity to introduce bright colors to your room without overwhelming it.

4. Shelving, reloaded!

Have some wallpaper left over from an old project? You could use it to bring a shelving unit or cabinet to life. We love the idea of using citrus or floral wallpaper as the backing of kitchen storage units. If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, you could even try using these as your cabinet or kitchen island fronts. Throw in a retro appliance and some quaint artwork, and you’ll have guests going gaga over your kitchen in no time!

5. Nautical delights

We’re constantly discovering new ways to brighten up spaces using the nautical theme. With its natural vibrancy and oceanic roots, the nautical style infuses rooms with a lively yet calming energy. You don’t have to do too much to bring home this aesthetic. An ocean-inspired mural, or an accent featuring sea creatures, or even a few well placed vintage maritime accents will do the trick.

6. Playful pastel highlights

When you live and work in a compact space, finding the right balance of functionality and aesthetics becomes paramount. A DIY home decor idea we love involves the use of soft pastel highlights to define different functional zones within the same room. For example, you can carve out a study area under the stairs by using soft pastel tones like mint or dusky pink. Gentle fabrics or faux fabric treatments, and a woven accent or two will keep things bright, airy and spacious.

7. DIY rustic decor

Rustic or weathered wood finishes can be relied on to take your decor for a dramatic spin. Plus, they’re now easier than ever to bring home, in the form of faux wood textured wallpapers. We offer a wide variety of weathered wood designs here at Walls By Me, which are easy to install and require minimal effort on your part. The end result is every bit as real as actual distressed wood.

Which of these DIY home decor ideas will you be trying out first? Or do you have ideas of your own to implement? Either way, we can help you get started with the perfect PVC-free removable wallpaper. Explore our updated collection now!