Learn how to decorate a large wall with wallpaper

Learn how to decorate a large wall with wallpaper

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Learn how to decorate a large wall with wallpaper

Here’s how you can decorate a large wall with wallpaper

In the world of interior decoration, extra square footage is generally seen as a luxury. The more space you have to work with, the more you can design, detail, and express yourself… Right? Well, it’s not that straightforward. Take the case of a big wall, for example. Sure, it presents big opportunities to try something new and unique. However, it also comes with the big risk of your decor taking the wrong turn! So how do you decorate a large wall without going overboard?

Today’s post is not to make you panic or stick to safe (aka boring) wall decor choices. A large wall can be a beautiful showcase for your creative preferences, and the perfect way to make a statement and rev up your home’s ambiance. With a few tips involving easy-to-install peel and stick wallpaper and well chosen furniture and accents, you can craft stylish, artistic, fun spaces against the backdrop of an expansive wall. Let’s take a look at some quick and easy ideas.

How you can decorate a large wall. But first, a word about location



sofa in a room

There are no generic “large wall decor” practices that you can implement everywhere. Like with every other decor decision, you need to factor in the surroundings, the purpose of the room, its layout, lighting, and so on. A large stretch of wall in a bedroom need not be treated in the same way as its counterpart in a living room. Prioritize your furniture arrangement, zoning of different areas of the room, and fixtures and accessories that you can’t do without. These will give you a design framework within which it will become much easier to decorate your large wall.

The trendiest ways to decorate a large wall

Start small



room decorated with furniture and wallpaper

You don’t always need a work of art that makes your jaw drop, to bring a spacious room to life. Some of the most stylish examples of large wall decor you will find involves the use of small, well-distributed elements that add depth, interest, and character. Wall clocks, photos, hanging planters, macrame work, shelving units… You can arrange any of these elements across your wall to break its monotony and give your eyes some options to linger on when they behold the space.

It’s best not to include too many elements when taking this route. Create a structured composition, or demarcate specific areas of the wall for storage, display, and so on.

An artsy flourish



living room decorated

Elegant artwork that makes a statement has always been the go-to solution for large, bare walls. If you own a piece that is worth showing off, you can even build the entire room’s decor around it, deriving your color palette from the artwork, and arranging furniture such that all the elements work together to frame and highlight it. Today, peel and stick artworks are also available in a variety of sizes and finishes, if you don’t want to break the bank in the process of decking up your walls.

Far Eastern flamboyance



living room decorated

The free-flowing, natural appeal of botanical prints, coupled with the whimsical, vintage charm of the Orient - chinoiseries truly excel at winning our hearts! These charming prints are among our most popular large wall decor options, and for good reason. Vibrant without being gaudy, and refined in their visual style, they are perfect for impressive living rooms, lounges or bedrooms. They will immediately “fill up” the space and take away the pressure of finding stylish furniture and accents for your space. Simple monochrome elements will work just fine with a rich chinoiserie in the background.

Customized scenery



home office work space

A large blank wall has the potential to make your room feel closed and restricting. However, replace the black stretch with a photorealistic wall mural, and the same space will open up and inspire in new and unique ways. Peel and stick wall murals are a great solution for decorating large walls. You just have to be careful about the quality of the mural you are purchasing. The ones we offer here at WallsByMe are all made of paper with a latex saturated coating, so you don’t have a cheap glossy finish interfering with that gorgeous mountain scenery or cityscape.

A play of materials



sofa in a decorated room

It’s no secret that layering your space with different materials - particularly natural finishes - creates a rich ambiance and takes away that run-of-the-mill “rented apartment” look. Removable wallpapers have made it easier than ever to introduce these materials to any given room without spending time, effort or resources. A large wall will transform instantly if you decorate it with textured wallpaper. We are referring to faux textures here, which emulate the look and feel of materials like brick, stone and wood through a flat print.

From distressed wood to exposed brick, from cozy shiplap to luxurious marble, you can bring home any wall finish of your choice through faux textured wallpaper. Stone and marble prints are particularly effective at making a statement and blending in with sleek contemporary furniture and gilded or metal accents.

We bet that large wall in your home doesn’t appear all that intimidating now! Decorate your large wall with wallpaper from our updated selection and accents of your choice, and let us know how it turned out.